Thursday, October 12, 2006

Addiction: thy name is Fantasy

Well, it's official. I have become a total Fantasy Football addict. And before anyone starts on me about how I'm not all the way there yet, I know I don't have a multitude of teams on different leagues. But I am currently watching a show dedicated to Fantasy Football, I was listening to a show on the radio earlier, and I just got done debating my team for Week 6. I think I'm traveling down the dark path.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

It's getting __________ all the time

Things in my life keep on getting (better / worse) - circle one.

Roommate left me a notice that he plans to leave (this is big time news!)

Now, I have to find a way to suppliment the income I got from him.

I'm enrolled in all the classes I need to graduate!

I'm behind in at least 2 of them, and catching up in your hardest 2 classes is double tough.

I've started walking more, and this is helping with my plan to get into better shape.

The car needs major repair, and will probably become scrap at the end of the year.

I'm winning the first Fantasy Football league I've ever joined.

Not for long. I'm playing against Unoquivocal Sunday and will get thouroughly stomped.

Friday, September 15, 2006

I Feel Lost

I'd like to give a little shout out to The Count and Unoquivocal, for they are the ones that turned me on to the excellence that is "Lost." I watched the first season of this show last year and was pretty blown away by it. But now, my obsession is getting out of control. I bought the second season last Tuesday, and I just finished the entire season Wednesday night, 8 days after my purchase.
While working 25 hours per week.

And taking 18 hours of class.

I'm so tired.

About Damn Time

Well, It's official. I recieved a letter in the mail yesterday informing me that I would be graduating this fall. I am awesome. One Bachelor's degree, nine years. Don't ask me how I do it, just bask in my wonderfulness.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

The Little Black Cloud

My Girlfriend has a theory:

There is a little black cloud that hangs over her head and brings bad luck whereever she goes. Never has this been truer than this week. On Friday, she was driving to work when the car in front of her broke suddenly, causing her to also break suddenly. Unfortunately, the Chevy Caprice behind her did not follow suit and she was rear ended. Turns out, the Chevy was really an unmarked state highway patrol vehicle (can't you see something like this happening on Super Troopers?) . He was a major, no less. A high ranking officer in the Oklahoma State Highway Patrol. And he gave her a bogus insurance number.

The following Monday is the big day for us. We have to take the car in and get 2 different estimates, take her to the doctor's office and get a perscription for some minor back pain. Everything is going great and according to plan. We go to the doctor, we get the perscription to the pharmacy, we get the first estimate (which is way too high - she doesn't want her car totaled).

Then the maddness begins. First, her perscription isn't covered by her insurance plan. OK, that's a problem that can be solved with a little bit of money, so in the grand scheme of things it's not a real problem. Once she's able to get the money, we decide to just pay for the perscription.

Unfortunately, her doctor is a bit of a quack and when we go to pick up the perscription, the pharmacologist informs us that the quack has perscribed her a drug that she's allergic to. So the pharmacy calls the quack doctor to change perscriptons and she gets a different anti-inflamitiory. Great news time! This one's covered by the insurance, so it's really cheap! So everything's looking great as we get the new drugs (on the forth thime to the pharmacy for those of you keeping track at home). And these drugs are great. They reduce the pain and don't have any drowsy side effects. Everything is going great. Trough Tuesday.

Wednesday morning, she spots some spots (I really didn't plan that double use of the word spot, sometimes shit happens) on her legs that itch a little bit. At first, we think it's bug bites. But later in the day, they get remarkably bigger. And Redder. And Itchier. And More of them. So we go to the minor emergency clinic to make sure she doesn't have Leprecy and the doctor there (this is not the quack, by the way) tells her that it's an allergic reaction to the new perscription.

Yippee! Hope she never needs anti-inflamitory drugs again since the two big ones cause major allergic reactions. Then the non-quack doctor perscribes a steroid pack to help her get over the reaction and tells her to discontinue her anti-inflamitory drugs immediately. He tells her to take Benadryl and if the symptoms get worse, to get the scrip filled and take the roids.

So Wednesday night, the itching gets so bad that while waiting for the Benadryl to take effect, I have to tie her hands up in pillowcases to prevent her from scratching herself to pieces. The spots have spread all over her body - head to toe. Legs, arms, neck, feet, scalp, face, hands, back, everything. Needless to say, we're getting the roids filled as soon as possible. So Thursday Morning we go back to the pharmacy to get this one filled and get her home. So now I get to watch her suffer through this increadably uncomfortable situation without being able to do really anything to help. All because of some State Trooper who couldn't be bothered to look up and break. And I bet he doesn't even get a ticket.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Top Five

The top 5 list for this Saturday is Top 5 Guilty Pleasures!

Here are My Top Five

1. Watching Gilmore Girls

2. Watching Friends (that show is so popular and so, so bad.)

3. Laughing at the totally NASCAR people that come into the store I work for.

4. Listening to The Cartigans

5. Reading Comic Books - especally bad ones

As always, I open the floor to you. What are your top 5?

Top Five List

The Top Five List for Saturday this week is Top Five Bands that have recently been in my CD player. By the way, when did I get outdated by saying "in my CD player" as opposed to "on my playlist?" I feel like that guy who still plays vinal records and swears that they sound better - and by better he really means worse.

My Top 5 (in no particular order)

1. R.E.M

2. The Clash

3. Wilco

4. A Tribe Called Quest

5. Wheat (they only have 3 albums and they've since broken up but they were great)

So what are your Top Five?

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Things I Like

This is a list of the things that have gotten me through the day at one point in time or another. It is not meant to be comprehensive or in any discernable order.

1. The Simpsons episodes whenever the rich Texas oilman is involved.

2. The 4 dogs that I’ve ever been caretaker for.

3. The game “Mafia.”

4. The comic book series “The Flash” when Mark Waid was the writer.

5. Debating politics with my friend John (it often results in him calling me a commie and me calling him a racist).

6. Pizza Shuttle. For those of you who do not have a Pizza Shuttle in your town, you have my sympathies.

7. A fine cigar and a gourmet dinner.

8. December 2006.

9. My girlfriend. Even though I know she reads this, I’d put this on here anyway.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Zombie Fear!

I’m glad to finally be among those clever and fortunate enough to talk about their bowel movements with the whole world! At last I have arrived! As an upfront disclaimer, I apologize in advance for diminishing the integrity of the internet with my ramblings. Here we go!

Ever since its cinematic release in 2004, I have loved “Shaun of the Dead.” I think it’s because every time I watch it, I look around the house/office/hotel room/car to see what objects I’d use to destroy Zombies should they ever decide to attack. A little side note, according to this interpretation of the limits of Zombies, this can be done by either “removing the head or destroying the brain.” Presumably, one can destroy the brain by pummeling a zombie with a blunt object in the cranial region. So there are the ground rules.
The 3 most useful items I decided on around my house were:
1) An Axe – possibly the most efficient object, it can be used to either cut off a head or bash in the head

2) A Sword - useful because you could decapitate the zombies.

3) A Scythe – possibly the least useful item of the three. It is designed to cut low, enabling one to only really attack the zombie’s feet.

Additionally, there are other items like a shovel, big kitchen knives, and a plumbers wrench that would be backups. So I feel pretty well secured should the zombies realize their power and decide to attack.

But here’s the rub. My roommate owns the top two weapons. Now for those of you not in the know (and how dare you not keep yourselves abreast of my personal dilemmas) my roommate and I have not been getting along as well as possible lately. It starts with him owing me a considerable sum of money and the fact that I don’t pick up after myself as well as I should, but basically, we don’t talk anymore. I’m sure the fact that neither of us can deal with our problems like rational human beings. And it’s been this way for so long, I don’t remember why it was we were friends in the first place. Now, many of my friends have weighed in on many sides of the roommate debate, everywhere from, “kick him out now,” to, “you should have kicked him out by now,” to, “why haven’t you kicked him out yet?” and they all bring up valid points. But I (perhaps foolishly) keep thinking that the friendship can be recaptured. Maybe I'm just hoping that I won't have to give up the top two zombie weapons.